A Transaction Platform for Accessible and Affordable Healthcare
Project WebsiteMore than 1 billion people in low- and middle-income countries lack access to basic healthcare. The majority of affected people do not have access to savings mechanisms and are at risk for unexpected expenses and even medical impoverishment. Building on the globally present mobile phone infrastructure, team mTomady has developed a digital health wallet – a mobile transaction platform for healthcare credits.

Julius Emmrich
Project Lead

Samuel Knauss
Project Lead
Healthcare sponsors can contribute to individuals’ healthcare accounts, which in turn can only be used at accredited clinics within defined reimbursement ranges. This solution promises reduced “leakage” of aid funding by international aid organizations, quality improvement and cost-control for governments and healthcare providers, and – most importantly – increased access to affordable, quality healthcare for patients. mTomady has launched with a pilot in Antananarivo in cooperation with the Government of Madagascar. Team mTOMADY consists of two neurologists of the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and a team of technology, software development and public health experts.
In December 2020 the team founded the mTOMADY gGmbH, and won the same year the idea competition oft he Global Health Hub Germany (GHHG). The team managed to raise further public funding to support their activities in Madagascar and beyond. Since 2022 mTOMADY is scaling its activities to Ghana.